Mod of the Month - May 2009

Written by Antony Leather

June 16, 2009 | 09:53

Tags: #case #mod-of-the-year

Companies: #bit-tech #mod

Migui 2

Worklog: Here

Now for something a little different. We couldn't help raising our eyebrows when we first came across MIGUI's mod. There are some pretty complex looking panel opening mechanisms in the works if his initial Sketchup renders are anything to go by. As if these weren't impressive enough though, the cooling is being dealt with by a single large air compressor combined with liquid cooling (no we don't know how it will work either).

However, he certainly seems to know what he's doing with a case full of pneumatic hardware such as valves, flow regulators and pressure switches. Sounds scary if you ask me! I think I'll stick with my Laing DDC pump and traditional water-cooling!

Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2 Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2

MIGUI's Sketchup images are very impressive with a lot of detail showing the complex looking side panel mechanisms. If he can pull this off it should look amazing and we like the way the motherboard tray drops out of the side panel too.

Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2 Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2

MIGUI's Lian Li PC-P80 case has been stripped down ready for modding. Above we can see what appears to be some sections of the pneumatics already installed. Above right are just some of the scarily complicated components going into Migui 2's cooling system. This is the rear of the pneumatic control panel. Don't try this at home kids!

Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2 Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2

The case is really starting to come along now and we can at last see the motherboard tray dropped out of the case just like in the Sketchup images. It really does look the business even if we haven't seen anything quite like it before! We can also see the pneumatic hardware building up inside the case and can even see the compressor situated at the front. Hope it won't be too noisy! MIGUI also made a custom backlit logo for the front panel of the case.

Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2 Mod of the Month - May 2009 Migui 2

Above is a closer shot of the front of the case clearly showing the large grey compressor with a lot of other scary hardware in the front of the PC-80. MIGUI also decided that a little touch control was needed and has mounted a 7in Lilliput touchscreen in the bottom front panels - something we're more used to seeing in mini ITX builds than on a large PC tower but it looks good all the same! Definitely one to watch.

If you'd like to vote for Migui 2, head on over to our forums.
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